Te Pirita Enterprises
Te Pirita Enterprises is a contracting group of which Camden Group owns a portion. Their headquarters is situated on the northern end of Willsden Farm.
Services include:
- Cultivation
- Direct drilling
- Drilling
- Ploughing
- Precision planting

John Deere 750A 6m Direct Drills
Two machines available when time is critical. Suitable for establishing all crops into all conditions. Provides hydraulic down pressure for consistent seed placement. Fertiliser and insecticide options with small seeds. Slug bait spreading.
8m Vaderstad Rapid Drill
Bio drill utilised for broadcasting of small seeds or planting two crops at once. Cultivation elements for reducing the number of passes pre-drilling. Fertiliser option available.
2 Vaderstad Tempo 12 row Precision Planters
Two 12 row Tempo planters available for fodder beet, maize and all other precision planted crops with section control. Fertiliser option available.
CLAAS 3400 large square baler
We have the ability to supply straw delivered on-farm. Quality product. Competitive pricing.
Cultivation Services
2 Vaderstad 7 metre Topdown Primary Cultivators
Utilised for intensive mixing and breadking down of clods after winter grazing, re-grassing and cereal stubble incorporation. A great all-round machine suitable for all soil types.
Bednar 10m Swifterdisc shallow disc cultivator
Suitable for chopping, mixing and incorporating of crop residue. Utilised for breaking down of clods and turf and provides a high daily output.
Sunflower Cultivator
8m cultivator used for finishing. Can be used with Vaderstad cambridge roller.
Sumo Quatro
Versatile cultivator with four elements that can be fine-tuned to adapt to a variety of conditions. Consisting of two rows of discs, staggered subsoiler legs providing full-width lift and pan shatter, two more rows of discs and roller. Up to 400mm working depth.
Case Quadtrac
The independent four-track design delivers maximum traction with minimum soil compaction. 500hp to guarantee cultivators can be pulled at correct depth.
8 Furrow Gregoire Besson Reversible plough
Versatile plough for high output performance.
Leveller and Roller Combination
8m wide for high daily output while also leaving a level and consolidated finish ready to drill or plant on. For use after the plough or Topdown. Folding fully adjustable leveller towing a Vaderstad cambridge roller with levelling boards.
Sharlands Road, Te Pirita
Management Team
Neil Costello
Te Pirita Enterprises
027 922 3843
Gabi Costello
Te Pirita Enterprises
Leo Donkers
Te Pirita Enterprises