Camden Farm
Selwyn District
The 221ha Camden Farm was the first property purchased by the Group in February 1994, which had been operating as a traditional dry land beef farm.
Dairy conversion began as soon as the sale was completed. This involved upgrading the irrigation system, upgrading the stock water system, re-fencing and planting shelterbelts.
28ha is currently irrigated by three rotorainers, 108ha is irrigated by a 753m centre pivot, 60ha by a 600m centre pivot, and 18ha by sprinklers in the corners.
Milking began in August 1994 with 500 cows and was expanded to 700 cows by 1997. Current production with 214ha effective is 342,804kg milksolids or 1,602kgMS per hectare.
A new 54-bail rotary shed replaced the 40-a-side herringbone shed for the 2020-2021 season, which – when combined with other development – meant the stock numbers could be increased.

Rakaia Selwyn Road, Bankside
Established 1994
800 cows
438kgMS per cow
Groundwater irrigation
54-bail rotary shed
5 staff
Management Team

Oliver Hampson
Camden Farm

Anta Chaudhary
Camden Farm

Terry Kilday
Camden Group

Travis Gordon
Camden Group