Kohika Downs
South Canterbury
Alto Holdings Ltd was set up in 2009 as a joint venture with Tony and Anna Wakelin. 50/50 sharemilking began in West Eyreton, with 1,050 cows on 340ha.
After 10 years of sharemilking, 2019 saw Camden Dairy Farms and Tony and Anna Wakelin co-purchase a 501ha dryland dairy farm in South Canterbury, renaming the company to Kohika Downs Ltd.
The property is self-contained with adjacent land leased for dairy support.
Kohika achieved their target of 420,722kgMS in their first season of 2019/20, and exceeded their 2020/21 target by achieving 458,241kgMS in their second season.
Back Line Road, Otaio
Established 2009
1,050 cows
436kgMS per cow
80 bail rotary shed
6 staff
Management Team
Tony & Anna Wakelin
Kohika Downs
Terry Kilday
Camden Group
Leo Donkers
Camden Group