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The Camden Way

Proud of our culture.

We don't take our commitments lightly.

We‘re dedicated to doing the right thing, and we take great strides to foster trusting relationships between our employees, our suppliers and our planet.


We do this because a good reputation is hard to earn and easy to lose.


Support, collaborate, grow, pay it forward and repeat.

  • We provide our employees with a safe and supportive working environment.
  • We’re respectful, honest and open with them and will recognise and encourage their personal development and goals.
  • We want to be recognised as a preferred employer by the farming industry.
  • We’re positive and supportive of the communities in which we live.


Free range, pasture fed and healthy.

  • We’re respectful and take good care of the animals that we farm.
  • We’re committed to meeting all the animal welfare needs of the animals we farm.

Soil, water and air

Future focused.

  • We operate our farming business to have the least possible impact on the natural environment, with the goal of leaving it in an improved state.

Technology/Farm Systems

Transparent and raising the bar.

  • We utilise effective technologies in our farming systems to achieve our broader aims.
  • We want to be involved with the leading farmer organisations and be early adaptors of positive change.

Compliance & Risk

Creating measurable improvements in our industry.

  • Compliance is the baseline for us. Where possible we operate higher than the minimum compliance standard, working with industry partners to accomplish this and help others along the way.
  • No shortcuts and no surprises. We identify the major risks to our business and where possible utilise tools to mitigate and manage the risk.


Robust and designed to last.

  • We strive to operate a profitable, sustainable and resilient business.